East Hillsborough Democratic Club
Paid political advertisement paid for by the
East Hillsborough Democratic Club.
P. O. Box 3383
Brandon, Florida 33509-3383
Here’s what some of our members have to say about what it means to be a democrat:
I Believe it is the role of government to take care of those unable to speak, act, or educate
Holly Janis
I believe in equal rights for all
I love my grandchildren. I want them to have a safer, cleaner, fairer, healthier, and more just country.
Human rights for everyone - not just the rich.
I believe the democrats represent the majority of the people. They believe all people should be made equally.
I believe Democrats are the party of the middle-class and working people.
The openness we feel toward everyone, no matter color, religion or not. Our ability to look ahead and not cling to old outdates ideas. Believing we can work with government to achieve goals. I am proud to be a Democrat.
Mary Sheppard
Freedom of speech - Reality
Criminal Justice Platform
i believe the Democratic party is the best chance we have to obtain justice for All. Both criminal and economic. It is the party most suited to assure that all people have equal rights and a planet that supports life.
Chris Radulich
Because I believe that in order for our voices to be heard, we need to elect people that will be our voices and fight for us. Our founding fathers said it . . . We the people! They not say, only the property owners, business owners and those that make $250,000 per year will reap the benefits of our labor. It's for all Americans, those born here and those that have come to this great country and have become citizens.
- Michele Yarbrough, Seffner
Our core values include a stronger economy, better quality education, an improved health care system, support for families and communities, protection of the environment, and greater American effectiveness in the world.
If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people — their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties — if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.“
- John F Kennedy (May 29, 1917 – Nov. 22, 1963)
Paid for by the East Hillsborough Democratic Club http://www.easthillsboroughdems.org/ . This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidates' committee.
These beliefs were created from the Democratic Party platform, the Wellstone model and G. Lakoff's written works.
Other values that guide the EHDC include: